For laboratories running inorganic elemental analyses of a broad range of samples, microwave sample preparation provides the high-temperature, high-pressure digestion needed to deliver quick, complete sample digestion and allow for total elemental analysis. Effective across a broad range of samples, our flexible Titan MPS™ Microwave Sample Preparation Systems are easy to use and effective on even the most difficult samples, integrating seamlessly with PerkinElmer AA, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS instruments, so you get the convenience of having one provider for all your instrumentation, supplies, and support.
Attributes / Specifications: Temperature control: Optical/sample temperature Pressure control: IR/direct sample Power: 230V, 50–60 Hz Pressure rating: 100 bar (8 position) Specifications Depth 63.5 cm Height 43.2 cm Portable No Product Brand Name Titan Unit Size 8 Position Weight 53.0 kg Width 53.4 cm