X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)

XRF (X-ray fluorescence) is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials. XRF analyzers determine the chemistry of a sample by measuring the fluorescent (or secondary) X-ray emitted from a sample when it is excited by a primary X-ray source

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Manufacturer: Malvern Panalytical, Netherland

General Specification: EDXRF bench top spectrometer is equipped with a thin window x-ray tube and SDD detector (10 mm2 SDD with Be window) for elemental analysis from Carbon (C) to Americium (Am) in solids, liquids, loose- and pressed-powders. The Be-detector window will give this bench top extra robustness for operation in challenging, dusty environments like cement and mining industries.

The system offers 50 kV excitation capabilities, a maximum current of 3 mA and a maximum power of 15 W. The Epsilon 3-XL (latest version 4) EDXRF will handle all above mentioned sample types, as well as most types of steel ring samples, using sample holders. The lid permits analysis of larger samples (not placed in sample holders) with maximum dimensions of 10 x 20 x 10 cm (H x W x D). The system will be delivered with the following items: • X-ray tube with Ag anode and 50 m Be window • 6-pos filter assembly (blank, Cu 500 um, Al 50 um, Al 200 um, Ti 7 um, Ag 100 um, Cu 300 um) • SDD10 detector with Be window res less than equal to 145 eV • 10-position sample tray with 10 standard sample holders and a set of inserts sample spinner • Helium (He) purge system • USB interface cable.

SOFTWARE: Software license to use for the spectrometer. No expert knowledge will be required for initial application setup. Enhanced long-term measurement stability will be achieved by an advanced fundamental parameter correction procedure accounting for external air-pressure, temperature and humidity effects. Have Oil-Trace, Stratos, Finger Print and Enhanced Data Security option. Technical Specification: General Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for the elemental analysis range from C to Am and the concentration range from ppm to 100 per cent.

Sample handling: Type of samples : Powders (loose and pressed), fused beads, metals, liquids, films, large samples Sample size : Solids 27 - 51.5 mm diameter, maximum height 4.9 cm Typically 10 ml of liquid or powder in a sample cup Large sample mode: Maximum 8 x 12 x 10 (H x W x D) cm or more Sample weight : Maximum 200 g Sample changer : 10-position, removable tray Spinner : Included X-ray Tube: Type : Metal-ceramic, side-window for maximum stability. Anode materials : Cu/Rh/Ag/Mo Tube settings : Software controlled, max. voltage 50 kV or better, max. Current 3 mA, max. tube power 15 W or better Tube filters : Six, software selectable (Cu 300 um; Cu 500 um; Al 50 um; Al 200 um; Ti 7 um; Ag 100 um) or more Window thickness : 50 um (Be) Detector: Type :High-resolution Si drift detector (ULTRA) Resolution : Less than 145 eV at the rate of 5.9 keV/1500 kcps; Typically 135 eV at the rate of 5.9 keV/1500 kcps Window : 8 um (Be) for high transition and improved sensitivity.

Analyzing Medium : Helium or Air or Vacuum as required by the instrument design to satisfy the analytical requirement Facility to put secondary safety window by the user should be there to minimize any potential instrument contamination in the case of sample leakage. The secondary safety window should be easy to replace.

Electrical Specifications: Main supply voltage: 90 - 264 V Frequency : 47 - 63 Hz Power consumption : 250 VA HT generator power: Max. 15 W 



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