The Precision Hydrogen Trace 250 generator is designed primarily for GC carrier gas use, and can also be used for detectors, requiring a hydrogen on demand solution for fuel gas such as FID and FPD. One generator is capable of supplying multiple GC instruments.
This generator offers a safe, reliable and convenient solution for those using hydrogen for GC carrier gas, producing the highest purity of hydrogen from the Precision Series by utilising a Proton Exchange Membrane to create the hydrogen gas from deionized water, as well as Pressure Swing Absorption and molecular sieve technology to remove moisture content down to trace levels. The Precision Hydrogen Trace generators are also suitable for providing collision gas for ICP-MS.
The Precision Hydrogen Trace 250 generator also comes with many highly robust safety features as standard, allowing for peace of mind in the laboratory and a far safer, dependable and more convenient alternative to cylinder gas.