An incubator is a device used to grow and maintain microbiological cultures or cell cultures. The incubator maintains optimal temperature, humidity and other conditions such as the CO2 and oxygen content of the atmosphere inside. ... Incubators are also used in the poultry industry to act as a substitute for hens
Manufacturer : Memmert , Germany
The heating of this incubator is optimally tuned for natural convection and valuable chamber loads for research, pharmaceutics, medicine and food chemistry are warmed up very carefully.
On this page, you can find all the essential technical data on our incubator. Our customer relations team will be pleased to help if you want further information. If you should require a customised special solution, please contact our technical specialists at
Setting temperature range +20 to +80 °C
Working temperature range at least 5 above ambient temperature to +80 °C
Setting accuracy temperature 0.1 °C
Voltage Electrical load 230 V, 50/60 Hz
approx. 1000 W
Voltage Electrical load 115 V, 50/60 Hz
approx. 900 W
Ambient temperature +5 °C to +40 °C
Humidity rh max. 80 %, non-condensing