High Speed Double Rotary Tablet Presses – “ACCURA” MODEL ACT-III

High Speed Double Rotary Tablet Presses – “ACCURA” MODEL ACT-III ACT-III Model: 51 STN “D” Tooling / 65 STN “B” Tooling / 81 STN “BB” Tooling Maximum Output- 7,77,600 Tablets / Hour Maximum Output- 7,77,600 Tablets / Hour OPERATION THROUGH CONTROL PANEL (BY IPC- INDUSTRIAL PC) Having Castor Wheels, for easy movement IPC (Industrial P.C.) With 15” Colour Touch Screen Easy to operate by soft touch Visual indication on safety messages. The Batch data can be recorded automatically & down loaded. The information of product can be recorded & saved under a file name. 3 Way passwords system With a Screen having various sections, making scanning and impact of data, easily The display and recorded data can be printed also. The after sales, PLC complaints can be carried out by internet, Separate E-Mail connection and can be carried out comfortably in the operation terminal. The data can be stored. Pen drive connectivity 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance

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WC – (AUTOMATIC WEIGHT CONTROLLER) (AN ACCURA ADVANTAGE) The range of AWC is divided such as control, reject and data store. Graphical appearance of the value of pre & main pressure. Display of figurer and graph both for the value of pressure on each individual punch. Indication / Display, of any no. of the selected punch & the respective value of pressure applied on it. Filling depth can be adjusted, if the amount of filled powder is exceeded or shortened beyond preset value. The faulty tablet will be rejected automatically. All data like production, rejection samples taken. Batch time segment etc. is recorded. Discharge chute with three compartments like initial reject, auto reject & sampling gate. The set permanents and the actual parameters can be visualized on the screen, at the same time. Empty punch can set. High Speed Double Rotary Tablet Presses Machine BENEFITS OF SCADA Report Generation in Access / Excel Use of unlimited storage of PC (Particularly) ‘n’ of recipes Connectivity to any type of Printer. Graphical system representation Real time trending Alarm History. Audit trail Advanced security Level Accura Double Rotary Tablet Press Model CENTRALIZED SCADA MONITORING SYSTEM (AN ACCURA ADVANTAGE) Machine input & output status can be observed & monitored in parallel to the machine connected panel. from out side, by any competent authorized person, while sitting in his office. (Wireless laptop connectivity)



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Tableting Unit

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