Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) scans a focused electron beam over a surface to create an image. The electrons in the beam interact with the sample, producing various signals that can be used to obtain information about the surface topography and composition.

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Manufacturer: FEI, USA

Technical Specifications:

1. Electron Emitter: Hot Schottky Field Emission source

2. Resolution: a) 0.8 nm or better at 15 kV in High vacuum mode. b) 1.0 nm or better at 1 kV in High vacuum mode without beam deceleration. c) 1.2 nm or better at 15 kV in Low Vacuum mode.

3. Acceleration Voltage: Variable from 0.2 to 30kV or better

4. Detectors a) Dedicated In-chamber Secondary electron detector (SED). b) Dedicated in lens SED. c) Dedicated In-lens Backscattered Electron (BSE) Detector. d) Dedicated chamber mounted camera. e) IRCCD camera. f) Secondary electron detector for low vacuum mode

5. Lens Technology: Combining both electromagnetic and electrostatic lenses into a compound lens

6. Low vacuum or Variable pressure: Microscope must have the ability to image under low vacuum or variable pressure mode The pressure range should be from 10 Pa to 500 Pa or more. Dedicated low vacuum SE detector

7. Chamber: Large enough for installing all the detectors being supplied along with EDS and EBSD. Chamber size 330 mm or greater left to right. Number of ports: minimum 11 or more.

8. Specimen stage: Movement equal to or better than X = 100 mm or greater Y = 100 mm or greater Z = 50 mm or greater Rotation: 360 degrees continuous Tilt: from Minimum -15 deg +90 deg. 5 -axis Eucentric motorized stage. Stage movement should be possible through computer control. Store and recall of sample positions, functions to select features, centre and zoom selected feature, multidirectional stage drive, Compucentric rotation etc., should be possible through the software interface.

9. Magnification range: 100 X or lower to 1000000 X or higher

10. Probe current: Minimum 300 nA or more

11. User Interface: Control panel with knobs for adjusting frequently used features like magnification, focus, stigmatism, brightness, contrast etc. must be provided.

12. Plasma cleaner: Integrated plasma cleaner for removal of hydrocarbon contaminants.

13. Electron optics: Beam deceleration/ Gentle beam technology or its equivalent for high resolution imaging at low kV. The technique should have a variable biasing in the range of -4000V to 600V or greater.

14. Spares, Accessories and Tool kits (1) All necessary tool kits and spares must be included for trouble free operation (2) 20 numbers of single sample holders stubs

15. Vacuum system: (1) Fully automated vacuum system with TMPs and ion pumps. Proper safety interlocks mechanisms for trouble-free operation at full efficiency. (2) Suitable protection mechanism for FEG source on sudden failure of vacuum pump operation.

16. Chiller and Compressor: Required Capacity Chiller and compressor for FESEM should be provided with FESEM

17. Warranty and support terms: (1) Training at Site on the operations of the equipment, applications and basic maintenance must be provided by an expert. (2) Warranty: 3 year

18. Compliance statement: Should be given along with Offer



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