Raman Microscope

The Raman microscope is a laser-based microscopic device used to perform Raman spectroscopy. The term MOLE (molecular optics laser examiner) is used to refer to the Raman-based microprobe. The technique used is named after C. V. Raman who discovered the scattering properties in liquids

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Manufacturer: NOST, Korea

Spectrometer : Designed for covering spectral range 185nm to 2400nm 1 Focal length : 250 mm Type : aberration corrected spectrograph with minimum astigmatism over 700 nm

Turret : interchangeable motorized turret without realignment & on-axis movement

Grating : 1200gr/mm ruled(quickly and easily interchangeable without realignment 300 gr/mm ruled grating for PL Scan to scan

repeatability : < 0.05 cm-1 Accuracy : +/- 0.1 nm CCD detector Open Electrode CCD with anti-fringing, low dark current -55oC TE cooled, MAX(-70oC) with coolant chiller CCD 1024X255 pixels(26X26microns) 26.6X6.6mm chip size Quantum Efficiency(MAX) > 55% Dark noise: 0.0014 e-/pixel/sec. at min Temp. Read Noise: As low as 4.0e-RMS. USB interface, 220-230VAC single phase Coverage spectral range: 200 to 1050nm 3)

Raman module: Automation Mode change : Motorized switching between white light visualisation and Spectrum measurement modes Laser power control : Motorized selectable continuous power levels from 0.001 % to 100% controlled by software Shutter : Automated mechnical shutter for preventing sample damage Filter set : Raman laser filters and PL filters controlled by SW Grating turret : Aberration corrected spectrograph with an interchangeable grating turret (included automated calibration function)

Laser alignment : Auto alignment and optimization of input laser by internal reference source Confocal pinhole : Motorized adjustable in 30um to 1000um, 10um step 4) Input laser and singal thro optics set edge

filters : 50 cm-1 for 532 nm or others on request with adjustable kinematic rejection filter edge mount for fine tuning of the filter angle Narrow line thro laser filter set with proper angle holder Beam expander module for VIS ~ NIR region Coupling optics (High flatness mirror with fine control stage & aberration corrected lenes) to focus the Raman beam on the entrance slit of spectrograph 2 Microscope 1) Olympus BX research grade microscope supplied with: Space under the objective turret : 30 ~ 60 mm

Obective : 20X and 100X Objective revolving turret : up to 5 postion XYZ manual sample stage travel : 70 mm x 50 mm in XY / 60 mm in Z axis ( optional large one available on request) Transmitted and reflected light mode Light source : White light(LED) illuminator with a variable intensity white lamp for reflective Koehler illuminator Video Camera : USB color 3MP camera to visualize the image of the sample input power : 220-230VAC single phase 3 Input laser 1) 532 nm SLM DPSS laser 532nm DPSS laser kit (for Raman/PL) 532nm(+/-0.5 nm) frequency doubled Nd:Yag laser: Single longuitudial laser(50mW, ) Power stability : 3% Spectral line width : 50 m ( optional 100 m) TEM00 Mode Polarization : 100: 1 vertical Edge & narrow B.P filter set included PL measurable range: 535nm to 1050nm

life time : 10000 hours 4 SW & PC set 1) Operating software 



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