For fast and accurate FTIR, FT-NIR, and FT-MIR analysis in a flexible, highly configurable system, count on our market-leading infrared spectrometers and instrumentation. Some common applications for molecular spectroscopy study in the near, near-mid, mid-far and far infrared regions include: Chemicals and Materials: Troubleshoot manufacturing problems; identify product contaminants; analyze fuels; gain deeper insights into the properties of novel and advanced materials. Pharmaceuticals: Analyze product formulations and package coatings; rapidly screen the quality of raw materials, intermediates and formulated products; qualify nutraceuticals. Food: Screen for known and unknown adulterants. Environmental Safety: Accurately determine and monitor hydrocarbon levels in the environment. We also offer all the consumables you’ll need, including sampling cells and windows, desiccant kits, and introductory kits that give newer IR researchers valuable experience with IR spectrometers and sampling.
Specifications 21 CFR Part 11 Compatible Yes Product Brand Name Spectrum 3 Tri-Range FT-IR Spectrometer Research Areas Food & Agriculture Wave Length Range 11,000 - 30 cm-1