IR Tracer 100

The IRTracer-100 features the highest SN ratio in its class at 60,000:1, 0.25 cm-1 resolution,

and high-speed scanning capable of 20 spectra/second.

Highly accurate quantitation and identifification can

be achieved with 0.25cm-1 resolution.

The rapid scan function allows a maximum of 20 spectra per second

to be obtained. This makes the IRTracer-100 suitable for fast

reactions that occur within a few seconds and for kinetic studies

occurring in less than one second.

Rapid, high-sensitivity analysis with a 2,000:1 SN is available.

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Range: 7,800 to 350cm−1 (Standard)

12,500–240cm−1 (Optional, See fifigure for details)

Resolution: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16cm−1 (Middle/Far IR)

2, 4, 8, 16cm−1 (Near IR)

Four Arithmetic Operations, Normalize, Zero Baseline Correction, 3 Point Baseline Correction,

Multipoint Baseline Correction, Smoothing, Derivative, Cut ,Connect, Reduce, Interpolate, Frequency Convert,

X Adjust, Time-Temperature Conversion, Peak Pick, Film Thickness, Data Calculation, Purity, Deconvolution, FFT,

Kubelka–Munk, ATR Correction, Kramers–Kronig, Atmosphere Correction, 3D Reprocess, 3D Extract

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