Water Tank

We manufacture  Modular Fire Fighting Water Storage Tank, Raw Water Storage Tank, Soft Water Storage Tank, RO Water Storage Tank, Process Water Storage Tank, DM Water Storage Tank, Rain Water Storage Tank, WTP , STP , ETP ETC.

I have attached some of some noteworthy sites we have supplied to in India & overseas, over the years.

The tanks come in knock down condition to make transportation affordable and easy and can be installed at site in a matter of days.

We manufacture a variety of Diameter and heights and offer storage capacities from 30m3 to 5000m3. For reference please find our catalogue attached mentioning the different diameter & Heights and storage capacities in our portfolio.

Advantages of our tanks

  • Cost effective
  •  Easy and cheap to transport
  • Fast Installations
  • Relocating is easy
  • Maintenance Free
  • Flexibility in size
  • Stronger structure
  • Lighter Weight

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Modular Tanks Pvt. Ltd.

Modular Tanks Pvt. Ltd.

Primary focus area

Project Management / Consultants

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