Silicone Sleeve for Corona Treater

Silicone Sleeve for corona treater

APPL's di-electric silicone sleeve manufactured from a very specfic silicone rubber compound, providing excellent electrical thermal and chemical resistance, making it ideally suited to the harsh enviroment that is the corona treatment process. APPL's silicone sleeves are produced specfically as an electric die electric sleeve and is manufactured to extermly close tolerance, ensuring reliable and consistent corona treatment perfomance.

APPL's slleves are availble in the sizes 50 mm(2"). 75mm(3") and 98mm(4"0 nominal diameters.

if you have another treater roller diameter, please ask because we are sure that we can supply a sleeve to fit your requirement.

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PROPERTY                UNIT

Hardness                    60(±5) shore A

Di-electric Strength      22 KV/mm

Temprature range         -80°C to +250°C

Tensile strength                   250% Min

Colors                                  Translucent, Red, Orange,Skyblue, Blue


Ami Polymer Pvt. Ltd

Ami Polymer Pvt. Ltd

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Capsulation Unit

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