Containment Barrier Isolator

Containment Barrier Isolator - Unidirectional (CBI-U) utilizes unidirectional/laminar airflow and facilitates the isolation of a product or process while providing the required conditions (ISO Class 5/ Grade A Environment) for a sterile/aseptic environment.

This equipment provides a comprehensive range of personnel, product, and environmental protection.

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Laminar / Unidirectional airflow that complies to standards for sterile product handling

HEPA (H14) filters with a typical efficiency of > 99.999% at 0.3 microns provide superior

ISO Class 5 air cleanliness (Grade A)

Recovery Time to maintain ISO Class 5 environment is less than 60 seconds

Class II Containment as per ISO 10648-2 leak tightness

Type D Passthrough Chambers equipped with electromagnetic interlocking mechanism and time-delay effect

Safe glove change and low contamination filter change FDA-grade static seals

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