Notice No.12 /2021 - 2022, dated 28th July 2021
1. All Exporters/Members of Trade
2. All RA's of DGFT.
- The members of trade are hereby informed that this Directorate is introducing an online Deemed Exports Module on the DGFT website as a part of IT Revamp for receiving applications under the Chapter 7 of FTP 2015-20.
- Henceforth, the following applications are required to be submitted online through the importer/exporter's dashboard on the DGFT Website :
- Refund of Terminal Excise Duty (TED)
- Grant of Duty Drawback as per AIR and
- Fixation of Brand Rate for Duty Drawback
- The members of trade can login to the portal, fill in the requisite details in the form, upload the necessary documents and submit the application after paying requisite fee. The system will generate a file number which can be used for tracking purposes through the portal. The RAs would issue online deficiency letters calling for any additional information/document required and the exporter would be able to reply to the deficiency letters online only. However, the applicants will have to submit the corresponding supporting physical documents as prescribed under ANF -7A to concerned RAs within 7 days of onlinesubmission of such applications for processing of the applications at RAs.
- Please note that this new application Module will cater to new applications filed in this regard by the applicants and old/legacy physical applications submitted earlier manually will continue to be processed manually by concerned RAs.
- The members of trade can file application in e-TED/DBK module through following navigation:
- https//>Deemed Exports to access the new e-module.
- For guidance on these new processes, the Help manual & FAQs may be accessed at> Learn > 'Application Help & FAQs'. For any further assistance you may utilize any of the following channels —
- Raise a service request ticket through the DGFT Helpdesk service under Services a 'Trade Helpdesk Service'
- Call the toll-free DGFT Helpdesk number 1800111550
- Send an email to the Helpdesk on
F. No. 01/92/180/12/AM21/Policy 6
Pradyumna Sahu, Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade, Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Department of Commerce, New Delhi.